I Risenga

I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to you for saving for my life and marriage. My life was in shambles due to alcohol abuse. I used to fight and quarrel with my wife when I was in a drunken state. My financial status was also in shambles because I had to feed my drunken habit. My children were angry with me because I did not have time for them, because I was always drunk. In short my life was just chaos and my wife was about to divorce me. I thank you very much for getting my life back. I now live happily with my wife and my entire family. May God grant you strength to save other families from the alcohol and drug abuse. Thank you. God Bless you!!

Sandile Victor Class Skosana

I am a 30 year old male who was using Nyaupe. But now my life has changed since I had an implant that fights against addiction. Before my life was misery I had an eating disorder, I had no relationship with my family. People in my society did not want me seeing the way I was. I thank the lord that he revealed someone who can help me. I found out about Dr. Kirstens implant and I went for it on 9 May 2014. Since from that day my life has changed. I am living a happy drug free life. I have regained my relationship with my family. I am also spiritually lifted up and now even members of the community have already changed their mind set towards me. I now feel human again, not waking up in the morning thinking what I am going to smoke. I can't even believe myself that it id really me. The implant works 100%, I don't even get tempted. Thank you Dr Kirsten. I will never stop spreading the Gospel about this implant, in order to help the nation.

Morui Bodigelo

I do admit that my life was almost, in fact it was over. I'm a young adult who was heavily addicted to nyaupe like most of our youth. I am writing this as a testimony to say that Dr Kirsten is truly heaven sent. My life is now turned around just like that, no more craving, bad tempers, but most important of all NO MORE drugs. Thanks to Dr. Kirsten many lives have second chances, I am living proof

Minke Robbertze

In my parent home there was no alchol allowed, Mother or Father never drink a single drop, after all my father was a priest, but eish my brothers two of them already passed away due to liver failure. I also did't drink and then I met my husband he use to drink modurate and I joint him...i thought i will never be like my brothers...I had my children alchol free then it started big time, my middle daughter suffered from a syndrome genetic and the older she got the worse her musle tone got doctors at first said she won't make it even to 2 years nobody can put an expiring date on a life.She passed on 20 August 2013 at the age of 25. She was very sick and on oxygen 24/7 she also had a "traggie" a pipe in the neck to be able to breath better and oxygen to help the lungs. Needless to say the husband choose to run away and did'nt pay one sent maintanance . At least I had a Job and medical aid but the medical aid stop paying for her when she turn 21 so the state hospitals were a stressfull avent. I start drinking just a little wine for stress and ended up mixing the wine with wiskey and then I really thought i'm couping great, and it helped with the depression as well but the red vlags popped up very soon..I could'nt wait to get home to my lover Wiskey and the mean time the wheels were falling off and i've made mistakes and even stay away from work to sick "babelaas" but hey nothing help for babelaas quicker than another dop and I was hooked!!!
I've been in 3 rehab centers even in a mental institution my two other daughters started to play the mom roles and very soon I was diagnose with diabetes. Im not overweight but my pancrease was damage by the alchol ,who need food when there is a liquid diet that even make you think youre fine...mistake!!!!I had the implant and my life turned around I was able to win back all the people who I had negleckted and even be able to take care of everybody else I've really celebrate my soberness and people started to trust me again its amazing how your life turn, I had my 3rd implant in December 2013.
Should went back for the 3 month inplant but hey I was OK. Then my brother passed on in July 2014 and he was only 49 he also had a drink or two but could stop after that...and I convince myself I will also be able to handle it because I'm cured for years and then I had a drink after the funeral....belief me I relapsed big time. Last night I've realized that I can not handle alchol so I've phoned and made an appointment with Moira today. I'm even borrowing money to do the implant because it help me with my depression and even the moodswings in menopause. And i'm breaking up with my lover Wiskey and Wine. Dr Kirsten please keep helping our lost souls. It's really great to know you do resurge and are up to date with new products on the market.

Stephan Booyens

I had a serious drug and alcohol problem for several years. After a few unsuccessful attempts to get sober. I contacted Dr. Kirsten for help. After receiving the implant I immediately had no more cravings for either drugs or alcohol. I have not used drugs or alcohol for 3 months now. I used to suffer from severe depression which also now has disappeared since using Naltrexone. I do believe this was a life changing experience for me.


Naltrexone helped me as I was able to go to work everyday and come back home. I was able to stay at home and play with my son. The family is trusting me again.

Thomas Sthembiso

I'm happy and drug free because of Dr. GF Kirsten. Best of all is I have regained my trust from my family as well as their love.

Nathan Klaasen

The Naltrexone implant works and changed my life, I had no cravings whatsoever and I feel great.


I have been receiving the Naltrexone implant for the past 4 years. This really works and has given me a outlook on life. Thank you Dr. Kirsten

J Steyn

I confirm that the Naltrexone implant really works against drug abuse. No matter what drug it works. I would recommend it to anyone.


I am a very satisfied client of the double package of Naltrexone. It worked like a charm and I would highly recommend it to anyone who may be battling at the moment.


I am 45 years old and have been a patient from Dr. Kirsten and his wonderfull team since 2010. Through the Grace of God and his wonderful treatment I have been receiving for 4 years, my health as well as my wellbeing has improved. My husband and children have always stood by me. The road at first was a dark tunnel I could not get out of and the world around me was being destroyed, now I can enjoy my life again as I enjoy the sunshine and grace of God. God heals us but he places people like Dr. Kirsten and his team on our road to help people like me. I would strongly recommend this treatment to people. Why must we tolerate that the Devil steals our life. Thank you Dr. Kirsten and his team


My life drastically changed on the Naltrexone and Disulfiram Implant. The implant makes it physically impossible to drink and not only that it takes away all cravings. I tried everything before this implant but it didn't work. For once in my life I feel that I am in control of my life. I would recommend this implant to all addicts

Marc Harris

I had struggled with drugs (khat) for 2 years and sometimes I even tried to stop on my own but could never do it. I then heard about Dr. Kirsten and came to see him about the implant. Thanks to Dr. Kirsten and the Naltrexone implant, I have now been clean for 6 months without any concern that I will ever use any form of drug again. I have had No cravings, not even the thought to use drugs. This is what the implant helped me with and is still helping me with. No price or cost can come near a "clean" lifestyle and can not even be compared. Thank you Dr. GF Kirsten

Kellen King

Since I've had this implant I haven't felt any physical withdrawals from drugs, it has helped with my eating habbits and my will to want to do better, it has helped with my attitude towards life. Thus given me a second chance in life because I could not do it any other way.


I have been a patient of Dr. Kirsten and staff for the past 5 years. As a clean and recovered alcoholic for the past 5 years I would highly recommend any treatment offered by Dr. Kirsten may it be narcotics, drug or alcohol related. With the help, assistance and motivation of all staff involved I am a new person, not a changed one. I thank you for the past years of excellence and assistance and will continue to use their service for many years to come. It's never too late to start a new life, and there is no better time than now


I've been struggling with alcoholism for about 20 years. Have been to rehad and tried a lot of remedies. Then at last I found Naltrexone. It's been 3 months since I had a drink. I don't get thoughts of alcohol, not even cravings. It changed my life completely. I started a lot of new activities in my life since been on Naltrexone. I'm focussed and full of energy. My life changed for the better. This product is a must for all addicts, eating disorder patients and people with depression. Thank you to Dr. Kirsten for this huge opportunity.

André de Jager

I would recommend the implant to each and every person who uses drugs. These 2 years I have been receiving the implant every 3 months and it has definitely changed my life. I am more positive about life and don't even think about my next hit. I am now clean for 2 years and it helped me to get off my medication to. This is the only thing that helped me to come clean, my brother and friends are also clean....

J de Bruin

I have been free from alcohol for 3 years now. my life circumstances has changed a lot at work and at home. Wrong friends are now gone as well as my aggression. I thank the lord for a place like this and would recommend this to all people.


At first I didn't believe it would work due to trying numerous times, ways and rehabs to quite substance abuse. But after the implant I had a toal 360 degree turn on my life. My whole mind set had changed, my cravings have totally gone away and I am now a new man who follows all rules of society. I'm very grateful to my family and the doctor for this opportunity to save my life.

Phillip Viljoen

I would highly recommend the Naltrexone implant for alcohol , it works for me. One has to maintain strong discipline and the implant gives you the reassurance for 3 months at a time. Where it was always difficult to do it on your won, this implant HELPS

Chinae Bauermeister

This is the second implant today 19/5/2014. I am proud to say that I have been drug free ever since my first appointment. I highly recommend this to anyone with a drug problem.


Thank you Dr. My name is Maureen we received the new life me and my family. My son was a drug addict and my husband an alcoholic and I suffered severe depression and turned to be manic so I could not cope at all. But after visiting the doctor all of us, our lives changed for real. My husband is free from alcohol, my son back to school coping well and I am also studying to become a nurse. Thank you and keep it up Dr. we need you.

Mrs M Nicholson

I have been a patient of Dr. Kirsten for the last 3 years. The implants have been great and really helps me to cope without any alcohol. The cost is very high, but it is worth the money. It would be a high help if this could be covered by the medical aid as I have been in rehab at Vista and Denmar for alcohol use, which did not help. No one can talk the problem away with a Dr. The medical aid covers those costs of R30 000+ so why can't they cover the cost of the implant that is more effective? The price and cost of the implant is much less for a year than visiting these rehab centres, and more effective. But taking out the money with every visit cash is not always possible. I plea to medical aids to consider paying these implants as it has made a huge difference in my life.

MA van Wyk

I am 28 years old and I have been using KHAT since the age of 20. I have been in and out of rehab centred which did nothing for my addiction. I have had my 4th Naltrexone implant and have been clean for just over a year now. This product works like a miracle. It gave me back my life, I am thriving at work, got 3 promotions in the last year. Addiction is a medical problem. Dr. Gerhard Kirsten really helped me and would help a lot op people to start living again.

Estelle Viviers

I started with Naltrexone implant treatment in November 2013 for alcoholism and depression. The treatment was very effective and assisted me to function very effectively in a highly demanding professional environment as well as on a social level. No side effects were experienced and I experienced increased confidence, better concentration, quicker decision-making and calmness.

Mr ED Alberts

The treatment is very successful ( the implant). This treatment is like a miracle to me as a person, there is a clear difference in my life and as a person. The implant really works. Thank you.

Tanja Folkerts

I have and still am receiving this implant and my whole life has changed for the better in the last 2.5 years. This is indescribable as I am functioning normal again. Not losing my work, active in society and a changed person. My honest opinion is that this should be covered by medical aids as it is a disease for which there is medication for.


The Naltrexone implant changed my life totally. 10 years ago I was declared as bi-polar. My life was hell. Some days I feel good and others days down, my emotions were like a sea-saw. I became an alcoholic and drank to feel better. But when the alcohol was no longer in my system I felt exactly the same again. My problem nearly cost me my children and my marriage. After the implant my life changed. Life started making sense again and my relationship with my husband and children also changed. I wanted to changed the world and was interested in life again and to live to the maximum. I would recommend this implant to anyone who needs helps. It worked for me, so PLEASE try it.

PJ Fourie

The medication that Dr Kirsten implants is very effective and very beneficial to my quality of life. I have undergone other programs but they did not assist me in managing the alcohol problem. I strongly recommend that any person with an alcohol problem, have this medication implanted by Dr. Kirsten

Rupert Prinsloo

The implant works in the light of it taking away all cravings, and not only the craving for drugs but for alcohol as well.

Dean Kelly

I was very scared to get the treatment. But it was a big life changing decision. I rediscovered who I am and knew that I never want to go back to the person I became while abusing alcohol. I would recommend this to any one with an addiction. it saved me and my relationship with everyone I love.


I started with the treatment for alcoholism in October 2013. I was already in a deep hole. Couldn't get through the day without drinking. I already received a final warning from work because of my drinking problem. My family already gave up. I have been to rehab twice. I destroyed everything in my life as far as I went I destroyed everything. I did terrible things while drinking, lied, hurt people and emotionally and physically destroyed myself. I was very sceptical about the treatment, thought yes let my family bring me, maybe it's a miracle, and YES it was a miracle. From the first implant I already felt better, I was not so negative anymore about myself and about life. I felt as if I also could be a person again. I am now receiving my 3rd implant, physically and emotionally I feel fantastic. I don't even think about alcohol, I don't feel that I need it anymore. It definitely is worth it, it can and will change your life. That is a promise

Erika Havinga

I was addicted to cocaine and alcohol. I realised that I had a problem when one evening I wrote off my car (because I was drunk). On 8 Mei 2013 I went to Stabilis Treatment Centre. There I detoxed and was clean till November 2013, then I started drinking again. I realized that if I did not take drastic measures I will be putting myself and others into danger and would probably drink myself to death. On 11 November 2013 I got my first implant, and today 9 Mei 2014 I am back for my third implant. From the first implant my life drastically changed and my studies I passed with distinction. I got a very good job, lost 17kg and now my family and friends are proud of me. This implant saved my life and I will forever be grateful to Dr. Kirsten and staff. I would recommend this implant with ease to anyone who is prepared to change their life and stop the abuse and take the correct road. Thank you Dr. Kirsten and staff.

Nico Daman

I would recommend the implant to anyone with a addiction problem. It worked for me. The first implant I had was for alcohol and today I am clean. This second implant is for drugs, die to the fact that I got such good results with the first implant, I truly believe in the product and that it will work for this addiction. I recommend it to all with a addiction problem

PH Vermaak

This implant works and helps me to take away all cravings for alcohol. Today is my second implant and it works.

AR Nagel

The imlant works very well and I have not smoked again in 7 months. The implant makes me feel very good.

Jan Lidderd

I am a patient of Dr. Kirsten from February 2014. I can honestly say that the treatment worked wonders for me. I feel like a better person and my alcohol problem is something of the past. I recommend the treatment to anyone who can benefit from it.

Tiishang Sekgaila Makgabo

This is to attest to the impact in my life that the Disulfiram implant by Dr. Kirsten has had. AT the time I began the treatment 7 years ago, I had been in and out of rehab facilities over a number of years, relapsing each time. I had lost complete control of my life due to alcoholism. I am now back on my feet and happily in control of my life. The treatment has truly been God's blessing! I have always understood that I only needed to stay on the treatment for 3 years, but have chosen to stay on - I feel safer. Again I truly believe that God rescued my life through Dr. Kirsten.

Carien Dietrich

Naltrexone has changed my and my family's life. It's worked well both personally and in my work. I feel that this is such a crucial medicine in today's society. I believe that all people will benefit from this immensely as it is only for the good. My friends and colleagues will testify to that. I appreciate Naltrexone and for what it has done for my life for the past 6 years.


At the age of 43 I realized that I have an alcohol abuse problem. After much research I found and came to Dr. Kirsten after which I got the BEST results. I am a different person, my work and personal life has drastically changed. I would recommend this treatment to anyone. Thank you

Ofentse Mogatusi

I am from Carletonville and my life before I got the Naltrexone implant was a living hell, not only for me but also my family. Firstly because I used to demand money from them and I also use to steal from them. They didn't like the life I was living and for me the Nyaupe drug turned me into someone I never in m y life thought I'd become. I was always dirty and nothing mattered any more except the drug. After I got the implant everything changed! Now I'm in good terms with my family and I know they are proud of me. They trust me and we can go places together and have some quality family time, which is something that didn't happen while I was using drugs. I would like to thank the Naltrexone implant and my Dr Kirsten for inserting the implant. Now I am a normal person that can live his life to the fullest. Thank you

Hein Leslie

The implant used for drug abuse is nothing less than a miracle. I was addicted to crack for more than 10 years, and I tried everything else and nothing worked. From my first implant I was a new person and could take my place in my family and society again. I started repairing everything in my life that drugs destroyed. Thank you

PH Vermaak

This implant helps me and takes away my cravings for alcohol. This is now my second implant and helps extremely well.

AR Nagel

The implant works very well. I have stopped smoking for more than 7 months now and the implant makes me feel well.

Johan Grobler

I am 38 years old and had a drinking problem. My parents told me about Dr. Kirsten and brought me for the implant. I had the implant and had no urge for alcohol anymore. I get totally put off when people around me and don't behave themselves that I get irritated. The implant changed my whole life, I can now save money and buy things for myself, where I once didn't even have a cent and had to sell things for money for alcohol. I will never again drink as now I am a better and changed person. Thank you Dr. Kirsten

Martin Le Grange

Thank you Dr. Kirsten. I was addicted to Khat for 4 years. The Naltrexone implant changed my life. I was at the point where I was about to loose my wife, kids and friends. The time had come to get my life back on track again. With the help of Dr. Kirsten I started to live again and my old life was something in the past.

Grant Hills

I have been addicted to drugs for 10 years and have been to rehab twice. Nothing was helping. I discovered the Naltrexone implant online and I had nothing to loose. I had done four implants thus far and have had only success. I have been clean for almost a year. I have recommended the implant to a few of my friends and they have been clean for 6 months.

Graeme Turner

After many years of fighting alcohol addiction and operating as a "functional" drunk in my work and social life I was referred to Dr. Gerhard Kirsten in October 2013. I had participated in many healing interventions of this disease including 2 weeks in a specialist alcohol rehabilitation centre. Emotionally it is very difficult to accept that you have a drinking problem. The Naltrexone procedure is painless and you will find your chemical imbalances caused by excessive alcohol intake is quickly restored. You will also find that alcohol is repulsive to you. Truly a wonder drug.

R Swanepoel

I confirm that the Disulfiram implant has assisted me to overcome my alcoholism problem since using it.

Prof IW Alderton

I have been bringing my partner Mr Pierott Le Roux to Dr. Kirsten for Disulfiram implant for many years. He has received an implant every six months. The implants have changed both our lives! Mr Le Roux's life is no longer devastated by the problems that are caused by alcohol, and he functions fully normally with increased self-confidence. I on the other hand are free from the worries of living with a heavy drinker brings.

Phuti Amnos Setati

I agree and trust that the treatment works as it helped me a lot. It made me realize that it is not hard to stay clean at all. The treatment brought me and my family back together again. I can thank Dr. Kirsten for helping me believe that my addiction is and was not the end of the world. I would recommend his treatment to other needy addicts who need help. I have been able to stay clean and live a drug free life. The treatment has given me hope.

Thys Meintjies

The implant helped me a great deal. I feel more in control of my life and drinking habits.

Sophie Jiyane

My son was on drugs for many years. I was having sleepless nights but thanks to Dr. Kirsten, I can now relax. He is a changed man and is now very responsible. Thanks again to Naltrexone.

B Stisor

I wish to state that the treatment by Dr. Kirsten is effective and has saved my life.


I have been struggling to stop drinking for about 15 years. I have tried and exhausted all other avenues with little or limited success. After hearing about the treatment on Carte Blanche and doing my own research I decided to try it. It has been about 2.5 months now totally free, and I am now feeling in control enough not to ever go back to alcohol.

Oreedits Molopyane

I started smoking Nyaupe when I started high school in 2008. I went to many rehabs (more than 7 times) and my social worker transferred me to Dr. Kirsten . Now I am finally free from the evil drug thanks to Dr. GF Kirsten, may God bless him

BS Byrne

I wish to declare that the medical treatment which I have received from Dr. Kirsten (Naltrexone implant) has changed my life in more ways than I can explain. I have done a total 180 degree turn since my first implant and after 15 years of drug abuse it was unexplainable. I have since started my own business and have more of a future than I ever imagined. I can finally look life straight in the eye and walk with my head held high. To whom ever finds themselves reading this, this treatment will better u in countless ways.

T du Plooy

I am 53 years old and for 5 years I am being treated for alcoholism. I have been sober since my 1st implant and it has helped me: Better home and family bond, can be social without alcohol, I have a stable job. I would recommend this treatment to any person that wants a better life and better quality of life.

FJ Schaper

This will be my 5th time I have had the Naltrexone implant done. Alcohol was the cause that I stayed away from work and now my employer is the one who helps me to be able to have the implants done.

T Perumal

Today 24/4/2014 I am present for my 3rd implant at Dr. Kirsten's practice in Pretoria. Before coming in to receive my first implant I was as hard-core as any drug addict for over 10 years. I tried rehab but eventually fell into the disease which dragged me deeper into addiction than ever before. A few days prior to my first implant I started attending "NA" meetings daily. Physically and psychologically the implant and programme helped me tremendously. I was thrilled and absolutely grateful for the positive change.

Jac Botha

I visited Dr. GF Kirsten two months ago regarding a serious drinking habit and problem. Since having the treatment I am a new person with a lot of energy. Not only did I physically improve, but my lifestyle and relationships improved considerably. I feel like a new person and recommend anybody with any type of substance abuse to consider going on this treatment. It is expensive, but fully worth the money because it changes your life for the better.

Adriana Venter

I received a Naltrexone implant on 17 February 2014 form Dr. Kirsten. Till today 23 April 2014 I can honestly say that I have no cravings or urges to go back to the addict I was. I feel like a new person and healthy, and wish to confirm that it was due to the implant and that it changed my whole life for the better.


After years of addiction to sleeping tablets I finally heard about Dr. Gerhard Kirsten. I have been to 4 rehabs and every time I had a relapse. After the implant I had NO cravings and now my road to recovery can begin.

H Saks

After 3 months of having the implant the effect it has had on me is the following: 1. I have been clean for three months. 2. I only experienced slight cravings in the beginning. 3. I have no appetite and find it difficult to sleep sometimes.

S van Heerden

Personally I have been a heroin addict for +- 12 years. In a way it is all I knew, I even reserved myself to the fact that I was going to die a heroin addict and that I was going to die from my addiction. I have been to four rehabs and a psychiatric hospital due to dementia caused by abuse of heroin and withdrawal. I have caused a lot of hurt to everyone and even other people somehow indirectly related. But for the past year I have found Dr. Kirsten and the Naltrexone implant. Now I am a different person, I have a beautiful child and a wife, life is awesome.

Tjaart Gous

I was a lost Christian. I was addicted to Khat for ten years. After having the implant done by Dr. Kirsten all cravings and use of Khat stopped. I have now been clean for 3 months and I am stronger than ever. I now work at my old job again and I am present in church again. My family stands by my side, I live for God again, laugh and have the will to live back again. Thank you God, Dad and Dr. GF Kirsten.

DJ Nel

I received the following benefits with the help from the implant. I have been receiving the implant for more than a year now. The implant takes away the urge for alcohol and to drink. I am no longer dependant on alcohol and no longer want to go out and drink. For me the implant works wonders and definitely works better than rehab. The only side effect I had was my sleeping pattern, but besides that the implant works very well.

C van Wyk

Naltrexone has saved my life. I have hope again and I am getting my life back on track again. I will definitely go back for the next implant. My urge for alcohol has drastically decreased. My quality of life has increased dramatically. I would recommend the implant to all.


I received my first implant early in January 2014. After I received the implant I feel much better, my health is much better and I have even halved my blood pressure medication. My family life has also changed and I know a great relationship with my wife and kids. I have now been for my follow up treatment and would recommend it to anyone who has an addiction. Thank you

PN Janse van Rensburg

I was a department head for the subject Biology, these days it is call life orientation at a very well known Afrikaans High School. I was in this position for 28 years and was a teacher for 34 years. At the age of 58 at the end of 2011 I went on early pension. I am currently 60 years old. I was addicted to alcohol which occurred when I was about 50 years old. I realized that I couldn't perform so well during lessons. I used more alcohol to cope. I have been to many rehabs country wide. At the end of 2005 I went to a well known psychiatrist and was diagnosed with major depression. I am also a hypertensive and diabetic for which I received medication. After I was discharged from every rehab it went well for a while, and as soon as I became anxious or had to face a specific problem, the depression came back again and I relapsed. It was pure coincidence that my wife got the info about Dr. Kirsten from our GP. We immediately searched the internet and for the first time heard the word Naltrexone. After reading all the info on the internet I immediately decided to have the implant done. On 14 June 2013 I had my first implant and while walking out of the consulting rooms my first words to my wife was "Halleluja". We finally received the best medication possible. Within days of the implant I felt. 1. No shaking or cravings due to withdrawl, 2. Beter consentration, 3. General relaxation and no depression, 4. NO anxiety, 5. My sleeping patern went back to normal, 6. A healthy appetite, 7. I could remember things for long periods of time again. One of these days I will be receiving my 4th implant and my friends tell me I am the old friend again the one which they knew in the past. For me there were no side effects. I am no longer a type 2 diabetic and I don't use any more medication. My blood pressure is always normal. I am a changed man after the Naltrexone implant. Thank you Dr. Kirsten

A Hilton

The Naltrexone implant took away my cravings to drink straight away. It has helped me a great deal in my battle to stop drinking all together. I would highly recommend it to anybody with an addiction.


I would like to say the implant helped me very much. I have managed to stay clean for a long time. I have managed to beat the addiction. Without the cravings I manage to stay away from drugs. I have not had any problems with the implant and I look forward that it leads me to a good end to the addiction illness that I have battled with for years.

BR Bruwer

After I heard about Dr. Kirsten, I immediately made an appointment and received my first implant. I could immediately feel the difference. I am so happy that I did it and can't wait for my next implant. If I look around, on TV and in newspapers then I just want to give MY Dr. Kirsten's number to all my friends and family. Since I don't drink drink anymore I just have a fun life. Shame to all those people who believe in all the other things out there, they don't work, the implants work.

Mxolisi Joshua Goven Zwane

I am 25 years old. In my life I have been an addict for almost 7 years, being hooked on heroin. I can tell you it is not a nice thing for a human being to be addicted to. Well at first it felt nice and mind relieving until the substance got to me. I would find myself doing things I thought I would never imagine doing, horrible things. My close relatives, people who care about me were disappointed in me, but they never gave up on me. I also never gave up on myself even though I was an addict trapped in the drug life. I wanted to get out of it but never knew how to get out. I tried about three years ago going to attend sanco. Met some social workers. They motivated me and I stayed away from drugs for a year, then I started thinking about it. I thought about taking a smoke every time when I was at it for that year. One day my aunt heard about Dr. Kirsten and told me about him and the implants he does to help quit drugs. By all means I wanted to go and do it, so I told my parents about it. So I went to Dr. Kirsten and had my first Naltrexone implant and it saved my life. I felt like a 14 year old when I left the doctors rooms. I had no cravings and did not feel sick in my body anymore. Now I have a new life ahead of me, free of drugs, free from the though of doing drugs. When I look at the people who are still doing heroin or nyaupe I feel like only if I was a millionaire and take them to have the implants so that we all can leave free from drugs. May God bless Dr. Kirsten and the people who made the medicine.


After recieving the Naltrexone implant in 2012 I managed to stay clean and sober for 14 months. I was addicted to drugs and alcohol for over 25 years. I am still off the drugs and have now returned for another implant

Brian Swarts

Thank you Dr. Kirsten for the change in my life, it made my life better and now I can't wait to see what the future holds. Khat took over my life, I did a lot of stupid things, even went to prison and court with all these things. I realized that I had a problem and the implant helped me a lot. I am clean from drugs and I am so happy. THANK YOU

Richard Swarts

Just want to thank Dr. Kirsten for the implant. It really works and it has made my life a whole lot better and made me a better person.

Branden & Nadine

The implant was life changing for me. I am so glad we were told about the implant. Without the implant we would have not been able to achieve what we have in our life. We had lost everything as well as our friends and family. We also nearly lost each other. Khat destroyed our lives, we tried everything to stop, family tried to help us, we went to Psycologists but nothing worked. Our lives had been terrible for 7 years. The implant from Dr. Kirsten changed everything. We immediately stopped and never looked back. Our life is now awesome.

Werner Kotze

I have had many implants and I am very satisfied with the treatment. My life changed for the better. I am very happy with the new me

Jaco van Zyl

I was addicted to heroin for 7 years. I stole, lied, stole everything and lost contact will all my relatives. Nothing could stop me. I came to Dr. Kirsten for the implant. It was difficult to accept with the lifestyle I had with drugs. I realized that nobody can help me except me by asking for help. I am now clean for 9 months and wish that all people would come for this treatment and not put their parents through hel, like I did mine. Thank you for the help.

Emile Churr

I came to Dr. Kirsten for the implant about 3 months ago. I stressed about it and wondered if it will work. The result at the end is great. I feel like 'n better person and for the first time in 14 years I am clean. I would recommend this treatment to anyone who also thinks that it does not work. Hear my words, it is the best decision that one can make.

JB Wolmarans

I am a 36 year old man that has abused alcohol for most of my life. I had many jobs and never worked at the places for very long before I was dismissed due to alcohol use. Sometimes I worked 2 months at a place before I was dismissed. After the implant I do not have the urge to drink anymore, I feel like a new person and for the first time in my life I feel that I can face the world again. The implant defnitely works and rehabs don't work.


My life made a total turn around from the date I had the implant on 3.2.2014. I was addicted to Pethidine and got such a huige withdrawl when I decided to go to Dr. Kirsten, I felt so bad, didn't sleep, did not eat and withdrew from everyone and everything. I am an extrovert, work in a pharmacy and in doing such I was confronted with meds. After the implant I have not had any urge to use Pethidine, or any pain medication. I can recommend this treatment highly to anyone, and I am back to the old person I was before the drugs. Thank you Dr. Kirsten for walking the road with me to ensure that my life is back on track and that I can face anything.


Dissapointments, let downs, and losses are all experiencedf in this journey we call life. At our weakest and most fragile moments we sometimes make the wrong decisions and choices. We choose the easy way out and decide to use anything to help stop the husrt and pain we feel, especially in the short term. Before you realise your back, choices lead you down a dark road full of resentment and self condemnation with a life of depression. I saw no light in the tunnel and no hope for the future. The best choice I made was to use Naltrexone. I can now see light in the tunnel, there is hope again, depression is gone and I can go through each day with a smile.

Lwandile Koni

I'm initially from the Eastern Cape and I've never heard about the implant and never new what it does to your body. I heard it from my mother and I asked her where did she find out about it, she told me on an advertisement which made me trust it, it has positvely made me believe that anything is possible and has restored my ways of thinking positvely in terms of not thinking my life depends on drugs or alcohol and has made me see that the devil lives through drugs and negative things that we consume and clearly it has changed my life by being controlled by the devils spirit. I now live with positive gratitude.


I made the decision to get my life back on track, but still it was difficult to stop the addiction. I wanted help. I got Naltrexone and it helped me to get rid of the drug addiction, I got my life back!!!


For many years I've battled my addiction to drugs. I'd been to hypnotherapists, psycologists, holistic healers and acupunctorists as well as three times in rehab. About eight years ago I had attempted suicide, that was when I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. I was put on meds and for a long time I was off drugs and life was somewhat better. But all changed one day when I had some cocaine. Suddenly I found myself where I was several years before. I became depressed and hopeless once more. But all that changed when we found Dr. Kirsten. From the start I could already feel myself free from the chains of addiction. I had one more relapse. The drugs did not feel good and since the I've been clean. What's more is I've started looking after myself, eating healthy and training to get back into shape. I'm not depressed anymore and I don't crave drugs anymore. Thank you Dr. Kirsten and Naltrexone.


I've been using heroin for twelve years and have been to about six rehabilitation centres, but would always go back to using again after a couple of months because the craving was always there. It was so bad that I gave up on tying to stop using and I was suicidal. It all changed when my doctor told me of naltrexone implants. I was very much sceptical of it at first but was so desperate that I could try anything to kick the habit. I made an appointment and the whole procedure was quick and pain free that I thought it wouldn't work. I'm proud to say I'm now more than 9 months clean and full of energy, sleep and eat well, have a normal great life that I thought I could never have.

René S

Words can't describe the sincere gratitude I have towards Dr. Kirsten's procedure and the positive effects it has on ones personal being and personal relationship. For years I found myself sinking deeper into depression, emotional outbursts and the worst being, involuntary outbursts of rage. The feeling of loneliness coupled with the emptiness alcohol gives you is something the human mind can not conquer fully on it's own. Finally after I had lost hope in myself and for the future along with losing my family and friends. I was introduced to the option of Naltrexone as a final offer to save my life. I chose it willingly and had the small painless surgery done at the age of 27. The following week I had found my dream job, I am mending broken relationships and today 12 April 2014 after having the second implant done, I again ask myself "Why did it take me so long to do this?" I was advised that due to liver damage caused by binge drinking, I would have easily died before the age of 30. My daughter can now look forward to having a father :) Thank you Dr. Kirsten, I chose to live, I'm living happily.


I have been smoking heroin for 5 years on and off. I lost everything and my life was falling apart. I was on medication to stop smoking but it didn't help me. I kept on relapsing and then I heard about Dr. Kirsten and his miracle implants and it has changed my life for the better. I don't crave for anything anymore, my body feels great, like a new born person. Thank you Dr.

Hendrik van Rooyen

I never believed in the implant, until my Boss recommended that I should get the implant. It is now been 10 months and not a drop of alcohol over my lips. I believe it is a wonderful product, I am a new person and I don't even crave alcohol. I told my friends of the product and they will definitely try it. Thank you Dr. Kirsten, it works!!!!


The implant literally opened my eyes to what world I was in and did not even realize. The process needs to be a long term decision for yourself. I made that decision by choosing to get the implant and it literally changed everything. It changed my motivation towards life, money training. All this time I was unhappy and couldn't figure out why. Alcohol was why. The implant is the answer to another world.

Karin Raynal

I have been sober for 2 years due to the implants that Dr. Kirsten inserted. Before the implants my life was un-manageable. I was drinking +- 3 bottles of wine a day and had been in rehad twice. The only thing that has helped has been the implants. Now I have my life back. I also need to add that I travel from Melbourne to have the implants. This medication has saved my life and should be available to others with addictions.

RM Campbell

The implant helps for the craving and makes me feel a lot better. Thank you


After struggling for years to leave drugs I found out about Dr. Kirsten's treatment. I had to grab this opportunity because at that stage I gave up. Today after 3 treatments I can honestly say that the treatment has changed my life, and I realized that the problem that so many people face can indeed be overcome. The implant eased my road to recovery and would recommend it to anyone. Every 3 months I fly from Port Elizabeth to see Dr. Kirsten and in my opinion it is a small price to pay to save my relationship with my family and to have a positive outlook on life. Everyone deserves a second chance in life and with this implant I can say that I got mine and I grabbed it with both hands. Thank you Dr. Kirsten


After almost losing everything from friends to family to my car because of drugs, I got very depressed and wanted to stop but I couldn't. After one night I almost OD and decided to tell my closest family I had left that I still use and need help. They told me of this implant they know about and that they would take ma and hekp me through everything. So I did it, I was sceptical at first but today it's been 2 months that I am clean and all thanx to this implant. It truly saved my life.


SInce the implant and taking of the medication, it has helped a lot by taking away the cravings all of the time. It also helps me to not get depressed. I was taking Mirtazpin and venlor 150m 75mg (antidepressants) and was on prexium plus. Since not drinking, i feekl much better and it has stopped the craving for other substances.


I can really say the implants are really worth it. It don't even think about alcohol or have any craving for alcohol. If I am at a party when there is alcohol it doesn't bother me I automatically just drink colddrink because the implant is always at the back of my head.

Nataschia Swanepoel

I fully agree that the Disulfiram truly works and for the past year I have been totally alcohol free. I would recommend the medication to any alcohol user! I had and still have no side effects!!! I will recommend this to anyone!!!


This implant has changed my life drastically. I was at a point where I was about to loose everything, including my wife and child. Eventually Khat was taking it's toll and we decided to visit Dr. Kirsten. To date there have been no regrets. Everything drugs has taken away from me, this implant has slowly replaced including the trust of my family and happiness at home. Thank you!!!!!

Lerato Machile

Dr Kirsten has saved my brother's life. He was a drug addict for more than ten years. We took him to different rehabs with no luck. A few weeks from a rehab, he would relapse. We are here for the second implant and already I have witnessed a great change in my brother's life. He has gone back to school after years of quitting. His personality is back. He has friends and we can now trust him to socialize and have a life outside the house. The Machile family really appreciates the change you have instilled in our child. May God bless you abundantly.

B Bosman

Dr. Kirsten started treating me with the "antabuse" implant from May 2008. I receive this implant every six months. It is with great pleasure and thankfullness that I can say that this implant literally changed my life. I firmly believe in this implant and I am a great example of well being and stability. Thank you Dr. Kirsten.

V Jordaan

I received the Naltrexone impplant for my Fibromahalgia . For years I struggeld with being stiff in the morning, headaches, nausea, insomnia, excessive muscle cramps, anxiety, extreme tiredness and so the list can continue. Since the 2nd day I received the implant all the abovementioned symptoms were gone. I had extreme energy. After many years I can now lead a healthy life again. Never again will I go without Naltrexone, without it I have now life. It works.


For symptoms of depression and alcohol abuse it has helped me overcome my struggels and has kept me in a healthier emotional and mental state


I thought my life was at a end at the age of 28, not even rehab helped me, till the day I found out about Dr. Kirsten. I was addicted to alcohol and in turn got addicted to drugs. I was in a deep dark hole and realized that I needed help. I receive the Naltrexone implant and I am so thankful to Dr. Kirsten for helping me. My children and I have a new life. Thank you


According to me the treatment received from Dr. Kirsten works very well. I have no urge to drink, I don't even think about alcohol when I receive the implants. This treatment is very important.

P van Zyl

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. How does one really say thank you or do you thank God for his grace? Well ask me, at first I only drank a little from school days. After I was shot in the Military and boarded I got addicted to pain killers and post traumatic stress, then I started drinking. I started thinking about taking my own life as this was the only "hope" i had. Then my sister told me about Dr. Kirsten's treatment and thank God I listened to her. After 2 weeks after having the implant, I feel like a new person. The rehabs DO NOT WORK. More people need to subjected to this treatment, if it can work for me it can work for anyone.


The implant really helped me with regards to my depression. It gave me focus and the will to stand up everyday. I would recommend this product to anyone with these issues in their life.

James Woods

I would like to make a testament of the Naltrexone implant. I had the implant on the 2nd of January 2014 and the very next day I could feel and see the effects of the implant. I had NO urge to have a drink or a want for any drugs. My depression seemed to have left and I was able to socialize without needing any alcohol. The Naltrexone implant has made a huge difference to my life. It has changed my family life, work and social life in so many positive ways. I would recommend it to anyone who thinks they are battling with so9me or other form of addiction. My life is back on track, thanks to Naltrexone implants.

Charl Jooste

I have been a drug (crack & pill) addict for 10 years of my life. I have been in numerous rehab facilities - long and short term. I started 3 years ago with the Naltrexone implant. My life has made a complete 180 degree turn. I use to think people would find my body in a ditch somewhere. Now I am successful, I am studying and stay on my own without people worrying if I am ok. This implant saved not only my life but dignity. 10 years of abuse tends to let you give that up. Now I will end up dead in a ditch but alive reaching for my dreams.

SWA van Wyk

I use the Naltrexone implant and it has given me back my as well as my mothers life. It is great to know that their is help for people. I tried everything to stop my drug addiction and all that helped me is the implant. Thank you Dr. Kirsten, life is fragile and everybody deserves a second chance.

Mrs. M Nieuwoudt

Naltrexone implant - WHAT A WONDERFUL PRODUCT. I say thank you every day to God that he gave my son back to me. We have our old mother and son bond back again. We can laugh again, chat again, which is something that used to irritate him. Even his father and his sisters bond with him has improved. The receptionists I want to thank for always being so helpful and friendly when we arrive for our appointments, and to Dr. Kirsten I want to say a huge thank you, there should be more doctors like him in our country to be able to make a change to others lives, like he changed my childs life. THANK YOU


I am an alcoholic, at least I was until I was introduced to Dr. Kirsten. I had been an addict for more than 15 years but on the very day that I had the naltrexone implant I stopped taking alcohol. I did not have any cravings what so ever. It was amazing! I could not believe the transformation. My work performance improved and I had time to do other things. I fell in love with life again. This is the best treatment ever and I have tried other ways to beat the addiction but nothing worked. I would recommend this treatment to anyone who has an addiction problem, it's the best!!!!


I have been battling with bienge drinking and it has caused alot of trauma in my life. I have been having the implant and I can't explain how grateful I am it's there. Addiction is not a mental disease.

GL Smith

My first day I came to Dr. Kirsten I was moody, rattling and shivering. Now I've put on weight, eating like a horse and most of all people look at me with respect and confidence. My brain is functioning 100% again. This idea of coming here was brilliant if only I knew about it years ago. Imagine where I would of been today but it's not late. No more depression and always looking ahead to tomorrow. I would definitely recommend Dr. Kirsten to anybody that's got this problem. Thank you Dr. Kirsten you've changed my life!

Hannes Deetlefs

The implant immediately took away the withdrawl that is associated with using drugs. I had no urge to use any drugs and started living a normal life again. I recommend this treatment by Dr. Kirsten to anybody who is addicted to drugs.


The implant has made a substantial and major improvement in terms of my addictions and craving although the key is to keep your mind occupied. The implant saves lives.

A Randall

I confirm that the treatment offered by Dr. GF Kirsten of the Disulfiram implant for alcoholism has been of the most help to me for my condition. I do say this voluntarily and recommend this treatment to those suffering from alcoholism.

Susan Holland

I have used Naltrexone for 2 years to treat alcoholism. This medication has helped me live a healthy life. I was previously admitted to hospital multiple times due to complications associated with Alcoholism. I am now a healthy functioning individual. I could not manage without this medication.

JE Swanepoel

I already had 2 implants. I have never had any problems after the implant and have never had any side effects. I eat and sleep well and can recommend it to anybody.

Andre Economon

I have been receiving the Naltrexone implant from Dr. GF Kirsten for the past six years and have been alcohol free for this period. I would highly recommend this treatment for any alcoholic or person who has alcohol related problems.


I've been struggling with addiction for the past 13 years. I have been in and out of rehabs, tried every drug to come clean, seen psychiatrists, therapists etc. and found nothing worked for a long period of time. I got to a point in my life where I decided I can't carry on the way I was. I tried the implant and found that it worked wonders for me, along with having the mind set of wanting to change. The implant has been my saving grace for the past year.

Pedro Caldeira

This is the second time I had the Naltrexone implant, and it works like a bomb.

Johan Maré

On 27 February 2013 I had my first Disulfiram implant to help me to stop my alcohol abuse. More than a year later I have not had the urge to drink again.

Naltrexone - Kiss of Life... Andrea

was asked for my testimonial by Dr. Gerhard Kirsten in Akasia, Pretoria, so here goes: I am generally shy by nature so will leave out gruesome details..

I had a beautiful childhood and was given the best upbringing by great parents, apparently a very well behaved baby.  At the age of 14 (Std 8) I unfortunately just got involved with the naughty crowd, I believe no addict can blame shift, we all make our own choices... Probably the same story you have heard many times, weed, recreational drugs etc. Matriculated, studied a bit was living on my own, engaged to a chronic weed smoker, carried on partying on "recreational" drugs till the age of 21 under the impression, I'm not an addict, everything is under control. I had a bad break up, my close friend downstairs in the flats I lived, a very intelligent lecturer who has now passed on, was a Heroin addict. So the cycle began, maybe once or thrice a week till my body was physically addicted, as any experienced heroin addict member or parent will know, u can be fully addicted yet functional so that lasted a while till I realised I couldn't carry on like that so I heard about the out patient treatment at a government hospital, I went there came home and detoxed, would be clean for a week or two, then relapse after relapse.

Eventually everything spiraled out of control, I lost everything and moved home. Eventually the 'evidence' was too difficult to hide, I had to confront my parents, they sent me first to a fancy up market Rehab, didn't work, they tried detoxify me at home, locking me up etc. That didn't work. We eventually had to accept that it was a serious problem we had, psychologists, doctors, nothing could help. Final step was to send me out of city life to a Rehab in the Karoo, luckily it was the better one where they teach you about the Love Jesus has for you and not the 'wrath of God', for their Bible teachings and foundations for a relationship with God I will be eternally grateful. Ran away once, was in and out and on off their 6 month programs numerous times. I do not even want to think of the hell I put my parents through and the money they spent. I met a 'boyfriend' down there, we left together, bad idea, Bonnie and Clyde situation of note, next thing numerous arrests, the hell of detoxify in jail cells, eventually being sent to a government hospital by the S.A.P.S and being handcuffed to the bed in the mental ward for withdrawal, to this day I can only thank God and my parents I don't have a criminal record. Back to the Karoo, out again, court cases, madness and mayhem I was about 28 then, tried detoxing on my own just a horrible vicious cycle. I eventually gave up hope and came to the realization things weren't going to change, before you know it you are in your early thirties, I had reached the end, no heroin addict wants to be an addict but the cravings are too hard to control, hence the name "devils dandruff"...

Eventually I started hearing about Dr. Kirsten and his implants, obviously a bit skeptical until I heard about the success stories of addicts that I knew who should have or would have been dead years ago. People who had addiction problems like I for over ten years were now clean?! After 7 days?! No lengthy rehab process? I was so tired of giving up everything to go on yet another rehab program then having to come back to nothing and try rebuild my life again. After being engaged to Clyde for 5+ years he left me, another bad break up I felt very alone.  Luckily I didn't give up hope, my two ex addict friends gave me Dr. Kirstens number.

I phoned their offices and told him I had a problem they put me through immediately, he put me at ease and suggested I started to cut down with a speed, it was a Monday morning, I booked for that Friday, but couldn't cut down so moved the appt to the following Friday, still couldn't cut down, I told him I was scared and anxious because none of the prescribed withdrawal meds was working anymore my body had just built up too much tolerance, so I thought here goes nothing, went in for first implant, he immediately injects you afterwards with a concoction that should put you out for 3 days. This usually works for the normal addict, 2 injections later, 2 hours later, I was up. I was told no using you won't feel it and it will mess the whole process up. Out of severe withdrawal and my own stubbornness and stupidity I used, not even feeling it, probably conning myself it was taking away the withdrawal I messed up bad. When I first met Dr. Kirsten I warned him I'm going to be your no.1 most irritating patient, he said no you will become my No. 1 priority.  I was in an absolute state... I had to go back to him, I promised myself it was that or giving up completely, I was so nervous and scared to go back and tell him I had screwed up again, I think my family had even lost hope then. I remember going back courageously crying on his table saying there was no hope, he calmed me down and explained we would have to detox me slowly, my physical addiction was too far gone. I was the 2nd patient that had ever come back after first implant, just my luck, yet my stubbornness and stupidity of not listening to blame. It could have been so easy if I hadn't stuffed up first time round, but I think that 1st implant was starting to get through already, he gave me a script for a pain free detox for a week and told me to return the following Saturday for another implant, I still remember walking out his offices thinking, here we go again, yet this time NO withdrawal symptoms, I was fully functional, no cravings NOTHING.

I went back to Dr. Kirsten for implant no. 2 a week later! SUCCESS!!! He never judged me, knew how to handle the whole situation calmly and just telling me to push through and never give up hope with Dr. Kirsten and God on my side, no looking back...

If it wasn't for his 20+ years of studying addiction and studies of naltrexone and getting the implant into this country I am too scared to think of what could have been. Since leaving the rehabs I was at and hearing of the senseless suicide and overdose stories of successful people, even a doctor's death, because of Heroin it saddens me so much, I keep thinking if only they had known sooner...

I don't know the chemical facts fully of Naltrexone but know it works on your receptors and dopamine levels, so after leaving rehab (protected environment) your cravings return, Nigeria all around, temptations everywhere... You can fight those cravings with all your might, I think the stats are 3% can do this successfully after rehab, so the naltrexone sits on ur receptors blocking the cravings, then even if you do use you not going to feel it! Strangest thing is you don't even want to use!! I have never been so confidently clean and happy and am eventually so in love with life!

I am a single mom with the happiest most well adjusted baby ever, I raise him independently in our own 2 bedroom home, have just been able to buy a new car, back into running and health and fitness, planted in my local church, reading my bible and praying everyday (more of Dr. Kirstens advice, since I know he truly works for God), that was confirmed when I realized over Christmas Holidays he is only closed on the 25th, 26th of Dec and 1 Jan because he knows its a bad time for addicts, MOST doctors are on holiday from early Dec to middle Jan.

I owe my life to Dr. Kirsten and his great staff, and any hopeless addict I urge you to get this implant done as fast as possible. Too many senseless deaths happening all the time. I thank Dr. Kirsten for breaking the chains that bound me and restoring my life! If I can do this and be successful ANYONE can. I try send as many addicts fast to him, seeing already another success story in front of my own two eyes, I have since just been blessed with family love, God's love, blessed abundantly!

Anonymous for obvious reasons. (I wrote this testimonial +- a year ago, I am still free from Heroin).

Jan Ernest Horn

I have visited Dr. Kirsten several times and the Naltrexone implant I received changed my life forever. I do not know how I would have coped without this medication. THANK YOU

Jaco Potgieter

I just want to thank Dr. for changing my life. If I think back to what I did to my mom, sometimes I can't believe that I could do such things. My life has changed and now I am y old self again. I think and live a normal life again. I don't just think about myself anymore. Thank you for all the prayers, because without God I couldn't have done this on my own. Ek is positief and everything I do is a pleasure. I want to live again. I would highly recommend the Naltrexone implant to anyone, come and you will be helped and healed. Thank you Dr. Kirsten

Lynelle Janse van Rensburg

I have previously been for this specific treatment and I highly recommend anyone in a similar position to have this treatment.

Nicolene Blom

I was addicted to alcohol and was admitted to Denmar. While there I heard about the Naltrexone implant that Dr. Kirsten does. I came to Dr. Kirsten to have the implamt done. This implant is the best yet, it really saved ny life and it changed the way I look at life. I have had the implant now for 3 months and I am very satisfied. I am so glad there is something like the Naltrexone implant as it saves lives. When I think back on the way my life was, I can't believe that is the way I lived. With this implant my life is organized now. I would recommend this implant to anyone that has a problem.

Rynardt Stoltz

I have been using the Naltrexone implant for the last 2 years. The implant helps me a whole lot to break the addiction I have and helps me function normally. I wouls strongly recommend the implant.

Johan Wilken

I was at Dr. Kirsten in October 2006 for the first time. He explained to me what the implant was for. At that stage I was an alcoholic and thought that the implant wouldn't work for me. I was WRONG, I have returned now for my 3rd implant and have now been clean for 8 years. I don't even think or feel like drinking alcohol. The implant has changed my life and made me a better person. THANK YOU

Ockert Cronjé

My whole life changed through the implant I had from Dr. GF Kirsten. I was on the verge of losing my job, family and wife. I heard of the Naltrexone implant and went to visit Dr. Kirsten. After my first implant my whole lofe changed. I don't even think about alcohol and enjoy my work and life again. Thank you Dr. Kirsten.

Neville du Toit

The implant is really nice. For 8 years I was a junky and after the implant I couldn't feel any better. Nothing worked for me as I tried everything. After the implant I feel like a new person. I am 30 years old and feel as if I am young and at school again. I can make friends, which I couldn't do in the past. I can share things with my family and friends which I also couldn't do in the past.

CP van Graan

The implant is really worth it, I can have a braai with friends without even thinking about alcohol. I would really recommend this to anyone.

Michael en Amoré Beukes

I used drugs and alcohol for 21 years. Over the years I have been to 5 rehabilitation centres and psycholgists and couldn't stay clean for even one day. I gave up hope because nothing worked, I was sure that I would never be able to stop. I was ready to take my own life. Today I have been clean for 11 months, all thanks to Dr. Kirsten and the Naltrexone implant. I have never been so happy in my life.

MW Pretorius

I receive the implant so that I can see my kids grow up and be happy. I can move forward in life with a clear head. I am always aware of my surroundings and can remember what happened yeasterday. I can now take care of my own liggaam thanks to the Naltrexone implant. Thank you

Russel Malan

The implant made a huge change in my life, looking where i'm coming from I was lost and bound. I had no direction in life. I use to run the streets like a headless chicken not knowing where I was heading. But now I found ambition again thanks to the Naltrexone implant. I am attending college now as well and now I know what I want in life.

JW Barnard

The implant helped me lead a better life.

Thulani Makwakwa

I was an addict for 10 years of my teenage life. It all began when I was 12 years old, using dagga in the community parks. When I was 13 years old I started High School at Princess High and that is where I was introduced to a drug called heroin and it changed my life and it turned me into a monster. At that stage I made drugs my forst choice and my best friend. Family and friends became my enemies. In and out of facilities and prisons I went. I finally realised I had to change my life as friends finished school and moved on and I will still stuck in one place, the drug place. I already felt dead I just had to be burried. Quitting drugs was the hardest obsticle I have ever faced in my entire life, but my best hope was when I met my doctor in Pretoria, Dr. Gerhard Kirsten. He gave me hope that I can make it, and I am better than the life I live after having the Naltrexone implant.

Hendrick Ramatlhodi Motaung

I am from Soshanguve Block uu and I started taking drugs on 25 December 2007, at that time I was in grade 10 and that is when my life took a wrong turn. I started to crave and that when I got involved in crime and hung around with bad friends smoking nyaupe. This drug is a very dangerous and addictive drug, and once you get in there is no easy way out. My life was a living hell, I dropped out of school in 2010. In 2011 I was arrested for armed robbery and jailed for 4 months. My mother realised that I was using drugs and in 2011 she took me to Dr. Kirsten on 23 December 2013. From the moment I had the implant my life turned back on track and on 10 March 2014 I came for my second implant. Today I am clean from drugs and my family is proud of me that I with the help of the Naltrexone implant defeated the drug monster. I hope all addicts hear about Dr. Kirsten so that they van get help. The rehabs failed bur doctor Kirsten cured me from my 7 years sickness.

Chanél Griesel

I wish to confirm that the Naltrexone implant really worked for me. I have been to rehab twice and it costs a lot of money and is not very effective. The biggest change in my life came after I had the Naltrexone implant for drug and alcohol abuse, because I can not use.

Janco van Niekerk

The implants help me to control my cravings for drugs and keep me clean. The implant made me the person that I always was before I started using drugs. The implant changed me for the better.

Steven Lee Smit

I received my first Naltrexone implant on 22 December 2013. It stabilized my mood and prevented cravings. It has helped me a lot to rehabilitate and live healthy. I fully recommend it.

Jonathan Martin Evans

I have been making use of Dr. Kirsten's Naltrexone implant from August 2011 and it has changed my life and that of my family, I have held on to employment for more than 3 years, I am productive, positive and want to take on life.

Ryno le Roux

For 10 years I was addicted to heroin. I have been to rehab 5 times en still couldn't stay clean until I got the Naltrexone implant. The implant took away my cravings, it helped me with my depression and gave me a postive outlook on life. This month I have been clean for 1 year and 8 months. Today I am here at Dr. Kirsten for my 5th implant and not one day goes by that I am not glad about the choice I made to get the implant. The implant helped me get my life back and stay clean. I would recommend this implant to anyone with a addiction.

DI Adams

I, David Isaac Adams, a male working as an Engineer on the Platinum mines has been an alcoholic for the majority of my life and in the last 25 years or so have been drinking in binges when I became overstressed or depressed. I have been to rehabs a number of times in my life but always reverted back to alcohol. I have been using the Naltrexone implant from Dr. GF Kirsten since 2004 and it's the only effective treatment for me. Without it I doubt I would have been able to maintain my present lifestyle and employment. I highly recommend this form of treatment.

PM van der Schyff

Since I had the implant my life has changed completely and I am a new person.I had no withdrawal symptoms afterwards and I have never felt this good in my life.This all after your implant. Nothing else works. I have a new energy for life and my whole mood is much much better.


In short - the implant gave me my life back.

Brian Wobker

I came for the Naltrexone implant about 3 months ago for alcohol abuse. I made the choice to do this for myself and my children. I found the implant to be very successful for me. I had no cravings for alcohol and I was previously drinking a bottle of whiskey a night. From the day of the implant it worked, I had absolutely no craving for alcohol. I found that I have more patience with my children, and as a single father it has given me my life with my children back. I can now spend more time with my children instead of spending time with a bottle of whiskey. I am very impressed with the product and the results that I have had with the implant. Thank you

Gavin Smith

I want to state that the implant gives me the stability and confidence to fight against alcohol. This leads me to live a normal life and gives me job stability.

Tyrone Coetzer

During my first 3 months of using Naltrexone I noticed a dramatic reduction in cravings as well as mood swings. Thus improving relationships as well as quality of life. Without the implant I would've lost my child as well as my family. I am now returning for my second treatment and see only hope and promise for the future.

Francois Delport

I am writing this letter to all the thousands of people struggling with what I struggled with - the ever damaging alcohol. I went to look for help and discovered the Naltrexone implant about 3 months ago. I immediately came to Dr. Kirsten and had the Naltrexone implant, since then everything has drastically changed, my craving went away and my life started making sense again. I used to always fight with everyone and now decisions are easier as I see life out of a different perspective. I would recommend this implant to everybody. Alcohol isn't the solution to a problem, it is the problem.

Cleonie Kruger

After one of my friends told me about the Naltrexone implant, I decided to have the implant done by Dr. Kirsten. My life drastically changed directloy after the implant. I no longer had withdrawl symptoms and NO craving for drugs. My energy levels went back to normal and I no longer had any moodswings. I would definitely recommend the Naltrexone implant to anybody who has a drug or alcohol problem.

Kevin Wetzel

This is my 3rd time that I have the Naltrexone implant. I found that the implants made a huge difference in the way I think, my energy levels are higher and it has improved my well being all round.

Lynette du Toit

Thank you Dr. Kirsten for the quality you have given back to me and to my life. I am fit, energetic and I am full of life again. I would like to tell all other people struggling with addiction that Dr. Kirsten's meds is the answer. Thank you!

Jacques Seaman

My life turned for the better after the implant. I haven't even had the urge to use again. My life changed so much, I feel so much better.

Bernice Ballack

I started with the implant about 2 years ago for alcohol abuse. After my mother passed away I started drinking a lot, so bade that I started to vomit blood and nearly had no liver function left. After my implant I got my love for life back and lost my love for alcohol. I believe in the implant as I believe in the Bible.

Daniel Jacobs

I have received a Naltrexone implant before after I realized that I can't beat the addiction on my own. From day one after the implant I felt that I had more energy, I can think more clearly and my business benefits from this as I can make more informed decisions. At no stage after the implant I felt a need or craved for drugs or alcohol as I was high on life. My relationship with my wife changed overnight as she realized that I wouldn't take a chance with drugs or alcohol as my life had so drastically changed for the better. Drugs and alcohol is a habit and Naltrexone gives you the chance and time to get rid of the habit. After the implant one feels human again.

R de Beer

I can not function without the alcohol implant. This implant has been the best help I have ever received in my life.
Thank you


I have now been receiving the implant since June 2008 and it has worked every time. I believe very strongly in this product. Withdrawl symptoms are minimal. It would just be a great help if medical aids could pay for the implant. I would recommend the implant to everyone.

Willem Liebenberg

I have had several implants for the past 3 years. It helps extremely well. This implant means a lot to me and I couldn't think of my life I had before the implants.

Darryl Petersen

When I first heard of this "wonder cure" as offered by Dr. Kirsten I was extremely sceptical as I had been suffering with alcoholism for more than 15 years. I was not keen when my wife urged me to try the treatment, but after a year and a half of treatment I have been clean and sober for exactly the same time. Never craving for any alcohol or any other drug. Dr. Kirsten has given me back my life and I am ever grateful for the implants received so far. I highly recommend it for anyone struggling with alcohol and drug abuse.

Magda Britz

I totally lost control of my life and started drinking alcohol te get away from work and my life, I also drank alcohol to try to cope with work-life balance. At one stage in my life I met a patient from Dr. Kirsten who lost everything due to alcohol. This is the third time I have come back for an implant as the benefits are limitless. A person becomes calm and the urge to drink goes away. I started doing creative things at home again, and the guilt feeling I had that I was throwing my life away was gone. I can not put enough emphasis on the fact that this implant changed my whole life positively.


I have received numerous implants from Dr. Kirsten since 2011 and found that it is the only workable therapy against alcoholism. I would recommend the Naltrexone implant to anybody suffering from alcoholism.

Denise Pretorius

This has now been my 5th implant. The implant puts me at ease and I know that I can't do anything wrong to myself when I have the implant in. The implant keeps me clean, my attitude is much beter and it gives me the chance to better my life and to get rid of my addiction. The implant has no side effects. I can function in life as a normal person without anybody having to know what I have been through.


At first I was sceptical about this implant people were talking about. I was wrong, the implant has changed my life in many ways. It has not just supressed my addiction but it has brought stabillity in my life in a lot of aspects. I would highly recommend the Naltrexone implant.

Marius Botha

It has now been 5 months after Dr. Kirsten has made me a person again with the wonderful work he does. In the past I was married, the alcohol abuse caused a divorce. At the age of 53 years I had been in the rehab twice. I was sick and tired of everything. After the implant I was a new person, had the energy for life equal to any young man. I had peace and happiness within myself. My ex-wife,two sons, family and friends now treat me with the greatest love, joy and respect. I now live from day to day and can't wait for the sun to rise in the mornings. I live to all my potential and do everything I can to make up for all the lost time while I was drunk. Dr. Kirsten impressed me with his passion in what he does and well as the results he receives. I am the owner of a bar in Parys, and work with alcohol as well as people with alcohol every day and alcohol does not bother me anymore, people look up to me when they see the change in me.

Devon Subramoney

I was addicted to heroine for 4 years. My parents tried so many treatments and it didn't help, even went to rehab and nothing helped. I had the Naltrexone implant done in December 2013. It helped me and I had no cravings. I have been clean for 3 months now and now I am back today for the next implant.

Pieter Bredenkamp

I have had the implant before and it was the best thing I have ever done. That is why I am back again today to have another implant as it really works.

Desirè Scamuzzi

Thank you Dr Kirsten, my son has been clean now for 10 months, he was addicted to Heroin and I thought his life was over, but since he had the implants, he became a person again. I will recommend this treatment above any rehabilitation centre

Gerhardt Scheepers

I came to Dr. Kirsten for the Naltrexone implant and it works for me. It made a big change in my life and made life worth living for.

Magogode Mohuba

I am 27 years old. I suffered from a drug addiction for several years and I was never under any form of control or peace. I had an Naltrexone implant to help kill the cravings and the urge to drink. I have to date, not because of the fear of death, but because the urge and cravings are gone, been able to lead a normal life. I have not had any form of craving and to date have not touched a drug or alcohol.

Len Ferreira

I received my first implant in December 2013. In the beginning I was sceptical about the product. SInce then my life has drastically changed, I feel more energetic. My body fat dropped with 12,5% and my family also benefits from the implant as I can now join in in family in daily activities. I am now here today for my next implant and would STRONGLY recommend it to all.

PA Miller

I bought my son to Dr. Kirsten for drug use for the Naltrexone implant in 2012. Until today he is drug free.

Adam Marsh

I have had the Naltrexone implant for a year now, and it has helped me with my cravings and my depression. As a result I have saved my family members, my friends have also decided to come and have the Naltrexone implant done after seeing my progress.

Francois Marais

Naltrexone works very well for me. I started using heroin at the age of 21. I am 34 years of age. I have been in and out of rehab as well as in and out of jail due to heroin. I was never completely clean. After I started with the Naltrexone implant I found true relief and got rid of the addiction. I don't feel empty anymore and I have a new urge for life and couldn't feel any better

Darryl Leyds

I am 57 years old. I have been drinking from the age of 22 years. It had become as a belief that when I had alcohol in my body that I could communicate with people and be social. In 2010 I heard of Dr. Kirsten that could help me. I lost 2 very good jobs due to alcoholism. I got my first treatment and it worked and was unbelievable. I have now stopped drinking totally.


I had a smoking problem with cigarettes and weed. Ever since I came to Dr. Kirsten for the implant in November 2013 I have not smoked again. I have been sober for 4 months now and I feel very good about myself. I feel happy and healthy.

LT Manala

Alcohol was my life and dagga had become a friend to me. The relationship I had with the alcohol and dagga was rather a awefull one. I have lost my job to to my constant state of intoxification, I also nearly lost my bursary. I went to see Dr. Kirsten for a Naltrexone implant which worked wonders for me. It made me forget all the negative things that got me depressed. Naltrexone help me quit alcohol and drugs. I can now take care of my family thanks to the Naltrexone implant.

Edwin Makola

I was introduced to Dr. GF Kirsten by my boss after he realised that I was struggling due to alcohol. I came here six months ago and today I am a changed man. My life has changed. I used to fight with my wife and kids when I was drunk. I was always late and never followed up on my clients. I am very happy today after the implant that I got from Dr. Kirsten. I have been sober for more than 6 months.

Wayne Laurence

The Naltrexone implant has made me feel relief for the first time in a long time. It has saved a lot of relationships and heartache. I feel healthier and happier. Thank you Dr. Kirsten and team.

MJ Erasmus

Receiving the implant is a great motivation to live healthier and more responsible.

The greatest motivation for receiving the implant is that it takes a load of stress of my spouses shoulders. She feels more secure as I am more predictable and it is clear that she is more relaxed.

For me it lessens the urge and desire to drink. I behave more responsibily and have less guilt. The implant is a REAL LIFE SAVER.

JA van Wyk

I have now had a total of 4 implants. I feel much better and much stronger and have hope for the future. Thank you Dr. Kirsten

Doctor Mashiyane

I was a heroin addict for almost 16 years, and it has cost me a lot. I was a cheating, lying and stealing which was causing pain to my family. I ended up being a bad person who was not trusted by anyone at home. I felt like my world is ending. I also lost my job at a mine. I was treated with this Naltrexone implant and now I am free from the drug chain for more than 3 years thanks to Naltrexone.

Phillip Theunissen

I was a regular user of CAT for four years before I had the Naltrexone implant. After having the Naltrexone implant I lost all my cravings for CAT and could lead a normal life again. The implant makes a person feel good and gives one the energy to get up in the morning. Thank you for giving me my life back.


I am a patient of Dr. GF Kirsten. I wish to confirm that I have been treated for a drug addiction, and receive the Naltrexone implant once every three months. Once the implant is inserted, it fights the addiction and stops all cravings for drugs. No withdrawl symptoms were experienced after the implant. The implant has really assisted me in fighting drug addiction and has saved my life. I appreciate and am very grateful for the help provided by Dr. GF Kirsten.

Robert Jacobs

I have been a patient of Dr. GF Kirsten for a while and have had a total of three Naltrexone implants. After every implant I have seen myself improving, as well as an improvement in the way I handle every situation life throws at me. I would suggest the Naltrexone implant to anyone with a drug related problem. The implant is a quick and painless process. The implant assisted me in stopping drug use. It stops the craving for the use of drugs. The feeling I get after the implant is awesome. Once the implant is complete you feel free, loved and have absolutely no craving for drugs. Your body is at ease once the implant is done.

Robert Jacobs

I have been at Dr. GF Kirsten for the naltrexone implant for a total of three times now. After each implant I have seen myself improving, as well as an improvement in every situation I find myself in. I would suggest the Naltrexone implant to anyone with a drug related problem. It is a quick and painless process. It assists a person to completely stop drug use. It stops the craving for drug use everytime. The feeling I get after the implant is awesome. You feel free, loved and have no cravings. Your body is at ease once the implant is complete.

Marcus Jacobs

I have had the naltrexone implant a total of 5 times now. Each time I have the implant I have improved. I feel that the implant really helps and that every drug user should have it. I feel better and I don't crave for any drugs anymore.

Yusuf Yunus

I have had the naltrexone implant for the 3rd time now. With each visit I have improved and I am better than ever before due to this implant.

Annemarie Benecke

In May/June 2013 I came to you for an implant to stop smoking. I was very
doubtful about the implant. I can say this to people, at 4h45 you inserted
the implant. Just before I went into your rooms, I had a cigarette. I
walked out at 5h00pm. Since then, I have never touch a cigarette. I have
been smoking since I was 16 and I am now 42. You have changed my life. I
still cannot believe that I am no longer smoking. It doesnt even bother me
Thank you so much

Fred Bengsch

We can report a total change in Mr. Henk Nel�s attitude since he received the first treatment. He has become a very productive and responsible employee adding great value to our company. We are more than impressed with Henk�s determination to have this treatment carried out and turning away from these self destructing Liquids. We are very proud of Henk in this respect and thank you for your help in administrating the medication. As an employer we are always delighted when an employee is serious about improving himself. Should you require any further reports or up-dates please contact us again. Regards Fred Bengsch Director

Tiny Du Preez.

I just want to say thank you its been 4months and my life has changed so much. Im looking good and feeling great and the nice thing is that everyone around me can see the change. The only thing remaining is that I must find a job. Thank you very much for helping me through this decision I made for a beter life and future so that I can make a success of myself and my future. Without your support and help as well as the support of family and friends I would still be pathetic old Tiny who everyone looks down on. Today I can look to the future with hope by taking one day at a time. I also have found love again in my life and it realy is going very good with me I have a future now thanks to you Dr Kirsten. Once again thank you

Tiaan and Janet Venter

Thank you for all you mean to us and other patients regarding the teatment its usually the last resort. In our case Tiaan was in a clinic years ago for the treatment of alcohol abuse and our medical aid paid for the treatment. It didn�t last long though and he was back to his old ways. I tried to find a clinic to admit him again but we couldent afford the treatment. About 10years ago I saw an advertisement about alcohol abuse and contacted your rooms. We made an appointment for an implant. There was an immediate change in Tiaan. His health improved he had more self-confidence and our relationship was on the mend. I also had peace of mind as I did not have to stress that he would disappear and come back drunk. I also feel that the cost of the implant is very affordable considering wat the alcohol cost that he used to consume. After the six months went by Tiaan started getting cravings again and asked me to arrange for him to have another treatment which was wonderful that he wanted it for himself. As soon as the treatment was done Tiaan was happy and at ease again. He always says that the treatment is his insurance not to go back to where he started ever again. We have also referred many of his friends who have also been so successful and greatfull that we gave them your details. He has been without alcohol for more than 18months and is used to being sober and also states that he has outgrown his need for alcohol but that he wouldent hesitate to have another treatment if he felt he needed it. Once again thank you so much the procedure is fast and only takes an hour or two and one can go on with your life and one doesn�t have to take off work for weeks on end. We hope that you can help many people the way you helped Tiaan � you saved his life and for that we eternally greatfull. Thank you and may God bless you in all you are doing.

Liauna Watkins

My ex-husband Mr Phillip Watkins has been a patient of yours for some time. He comes for anti- alcohol treatment. Thank you for the wonderful work you are doing in this regard! Many a marriage and family life is destroyed by the abuse of alcohol and drugs but the treatment they receive from you has saved a lot more. I am very involved with organizations that are confronted with this problem daily and would like to enquire if you would have any objection if I refer patients to you so that you can help them the way you have helped me and my family.

Adrian van der Merwe

Doctor Kirsten I feel I MUST write this Mail as I think it is only fair for you to know the good/special kind of work you are doing and how you've changed me and my Wife's life's... I was in rehab at Castle Carry from 25/06/2008 (three weeks), and it cost me R8585.00 for this period. I had a nice "Holiday" on Sick leave from my work. After I was discharged, I drank myself into Casualties at Ferncrest Hospital a week later. From that time it was the same old pattern again as before the Rehab. On 11/05/2010 I paid a visit to your Surgery (With recommendation from my Brother-in-law, Johan Bergh) for treatment. This process cost me R990.00. From that day I've never looked back again as I've never had one drop of Alcohol over my lips. What also amazed me was the fact that I did not had any "craving" within 5x Months after the treatment. I had this help for the 4th time now on 22/06/2011 and it is WORTH THE MONEY & TIME...! I think I am cured now and the whole process cost me less than R4000.00 and WITH RESULTS . More than half the price of my "Holiday" I had at Castle Carrey... Please keep on with the good work . I am sure I am not the only one You've made a change in lifestyle... (Johan also is still "clean/Dry' as from his first consultation...)

Uys Ackermann Pr.Ing.

Baie Dankie vir die BEHANDELING. Dit word opreg waardeer. Die voordele van die behandeling is maklik om te noem omdat daar so baie is. Ek moes egter Hard dink oor die nadele omdat daar so min is, inderwaarheid niks nie. Die voordele word kortliks as volg opgesom: *Moeilike probleme en situasies word makliker hanteer. Die oplossings is dan ook sommer voor die hand liggend. *Die verhouding met vroutjie/partners, kids en familie verbeter aansienlik. *Produktiwiteit verhoog en gesondheid verbeter. *Selfvertroue verhoog en n mens voel beter. *Ander vrouens Raas/Maak Rusie met hulle mans omdat hulle Te Veel DRINK. *In die hele proses is n mens meer aangenaam en verkry meer respek. Die nadele van die behandeling is maar min, maar ek sal tog probeer: *Dit is regtig n mite om te se^ n mens geniet n partie/sosiale byeenkoms minder. Dit is eintlik interessant/lekker om te luister wanneer die ouens begin nonsens praat en alle probleme begin oplos, veral Mal Enema en die Prez. *Wat van ongelukke indien die behandeling nie gedoen word nie? *n Ongeluk met boetes of self lisensie word weggeneem is nog hanteerbaar, bv n "Driver" kan gekry word. *Maar wat as die pa/broodwinner in die ander voertuig dood is, of vermink is en nie meer kan werk nie? *Beide ouers is dood en dan wat van die Kids??? *So kan nog baie traumatise gevolge genoem word. Goeie raad is om n rukkie na-ete, binne manierlike perke, huistoe te gaan {Wanneer die ouens na-ete aanhou drink is "Dangerous" en vervelig.} Die Beste Raad is: Dr Kirsten se en enige ander behandeling sal slegs suksesvol wees met ons HERE Se HULP. Jesaja 40 vers 31 het my baie gehelp en ek dra dit graag op aan almal met soortgelyke of enige ander probleme: Maar Die Wat Op Die HERE Vertrou, Kry Nuwe Krag. Hulle Vlieg Met Arendsvlerke, Hulle Hardloop En Word Nie Moeg Nie, Hulle Loop En Raak Nie Afgemat Nie.


Hi Everyone My name is Chris and i am an addict. If you or one of your family members, friends or just associates are currently finding themselves in the midst of a deathly drug addiction, well then join the club. BUT, how would you like, the addict, whomever it may be, not have to go into a rehabilitation centre ever again? These centres come at a cost from R48 000.00 to a lesser comfy one of R18 000.00 for 4-6 weeks and then there are secondary treatments which can cost from R12 000.00 per month for 3 months and THEN there are tertiary Houses from R8000.00 per month, usually for 6 months. Ok, so then lets quickly add this up R132000.00 There is the other type of rehabilitations centres that are free. Such as Enochs walk and Noupoort (free as far as i know still). Well i have been to them all, from the Houghton Houses to the Enocks walks. Most of the free rehabilitation centres are based around the word of God, which is fantastic as the addict needs to find God. However, if the addict falls the tendency is to then blame God, when in fact they need further counselling and support to stay clean. Also be given guidance to the various options available to them. Here is a very brief account of my miserable and truly deathly life over the past 20 years. Yes 20 years is how long i have been entrapped by my disease. The drugs that eventually became my life were crack cocaine and heroin. For the past, i would say 10 years, i had (and truly believed) to use these drugs every single day to be able to survive, not live but survive. Well, as i said, a brief account, here goes. The consequences of my using drugs landed me in jail 10 times, on the streets, more times that i can remember. Hospital 7 times for overdoses and Tara (psychiatric hospital) 2 times. Most of my friends are all dead and a girl friend dead from this disease. I am the lucky one or am i? AND NOW, i have become the blessed one and its because of this that i am writing, shouting and screaming out to all you addicts, families, friends and associates of addicts. For a long time already there has been an anti- booze pill on the market for the alcoholics. NOW, there is help available in the market. The following drugs are treated cocaine, crack, heroin, cat, crystal meth, speed etc it has even been known to help with compulsive behaviour, such as nail biting. What this is, is a form of drug replacement therapy which allows the addict to be completely released from addiction by removing the affects of the drug absolutely. This works by blocking all the drug receptors in the brain and cancelling out the euphoric effects of the drug. There will be no more cravings or obsessions to use drugs . If the addict decides to use while on treatment they will quickly realise what a waste of time and money it is as the effect of the hit will be absolutely nothing. I myself am walking proof that this works, i had the therapy  done and since, i have not had one craving or obsession to use drugs again. I did put this therapy to the test, to see if what they were saying about it was in fact true and i can absolutely and truly say that it did nothing to me, it was as if i smoked a normal cigarette. No affect what so ever. From 20 years of being gripped with this deathly addiction to now, where i am free and free for good. If my story is not enough to convince you that you now have a choice to live, then there are 600 other stories you can also listen to. They are all successful whilst on the Naltrexone implant. It is a recovery aid not, an alternative to recovery itself. Recovery must be viewed as a lifelong journey. Treatment makes it easier to take that first step in putting the drugs down. Looking at the cost of the rehabilitation centres today and the time spent away, therapy offers the addict a chance to recover with no chance of relapse whilst on it.

Michael Scholtz.

Since I followed the new regime my life has changed completely and I am a new person.I had no withdrawal symptoms afterwards and I have never felt this good in my life.This all after your programme.Rehabs are a joke and money making institutions that does not work.I have never heard of or read about any success in any rehab.Keep up the good work.The only thing that works for me is the new regimeI Michael Scholtz I.D. 8011155171085 declare this to be the truth.Contact nr. 0764782234.

Shaun Prinsloo

I was addicted to heroin for the last 12 years.For 10 years I have tried to quit doing drugs.I have been in 7 rehabs and were never successfull.ihave overdosed on three occasions and nearly lost my leg.But after my new beginning with your support my life has changed.Within 3 months I was promoted from boilermaker to technical manager and have my own house.I have my family back and I have my life back.My boss see so much potential in me he wants to send me for further studies.I thank you so much for your contribution.

Chris Breitenbach.

I am Chris Breitenbach.I had a seriously big problem with heroin addiction for 8 years.There was no way out for me.Then I heard of Dr Gerhard Kirsten and his programme.I tried it and today I feel like a new person.I was out on the streets with my drug addiction and I spended a year in jail for theft and robbery.This was horrible because I lost complete control of my life.But my life has changed completely. I feel like a new person and I have my job back.I am also able to take care of my daughter.A also have a desire to live again.Trust me this works.

Themba Mtshweni tel: 0826574426

I was an addict for 10years till the day i came for this special treatment, from that day i recommend more people to come and take the same treatment. Its been a life change for me for i had a little baby girl and never had time for her now it a life a person would never believe. Now ive tried for my wife to also do it and pray for more people to come and do it for it realy works from the bottom of my heart i would like to thank the doctor. And as for me i will bring more people as for life bless you doctor.

Elrieta en Corne van der Byl. Sel no: 0722243061

Graag wil ek baie dankie se vir Dr G Kirsten en sy span en al die personeel ek en my man het geen hoop gehad vir ons toekoms tot en met ons vir ons eerste behandeling gekom het nie. Daar is wel n lig aan die donker tonnel vat net n kans en probeer die uitstekende program, jy sal verbaas wees. My man het 10jaar gebruik en ek 5jaar Cat, Cocaine, Heroien, ens.

Bruce Berry

Hi my name is Bruce Berry and i was a herion addict for 10years i started at the age of 13. Ive had a very very rough life ive been to many rehabs and even to prison for 2years. I tried to stop many times but never could. Now thanks to  Dr GF Kirsten i have a new life, a amazeing life the treatment gave me my family, friends and my life back. I have a new job, girlfriend and an awesome life i used to think there wasnt anything beter than drugs but i was wrong. Please i ask of anyone with a drug problem to do yourself a favour and get this new regime, i promise you it will save and change your life and you will never look back. Theres alot to life, life is a blessing treasure it and glood luck to all of you out there. Sel: 0829229141


My name is Tshidi and am a 34year old woman and a recovering addict, most of my adult life has been controlled by drugs. I have been in and out of rehabs more times than i care to count. When i was at the lowest point in my life, i actually had resigned my life to drugs until one day my girlfriend brought home a magazine and in it was an article of a young guy who had been helped to overcome his addiction by a certain doctor, i picked up the phone and called this docter who told me that he could help take away my cravings for the drugs.. Eversince the treatment my life has done a 360 degree turnaround, and all thanks to Dr Kirsten who gave me back my life, he is my hero. Whoever out there who's suffering from this disease there is help and life.


Hi all. My name id Duane. All i have to tell all of you guys out there battling with cat or alcohol or any addiction, there is hope. It had a hold of me for 7years, after my therapy it changed my life from living in hell to functioning normally and having a loving family life i had so long wished for. I strongly recommend this to all. Regards Duane.

Jaco v/d By

Ek is Jaco v/d Byl en is 23jaar oud ek was vir 9jaar op cat was al in 6 rehabs dit het nie gehelp nie het net weer teruggeval. Die behandeling was suksesvol ek het op die 4de Julie my eerste terapie gekry en het glad nie lus geword vir cat nie. Ek het nou vir my opvolg behandeling gekom en voel goed en positief. Behandeling en hulp het my siekte oorwin ek beveel dit aan vir ander wat met dieselfde probleem sit. Hiermee se ek dankie vir Dr Kirsten hy het my lewe gered.


Thank you for the chance I have now to experience again what was so prescious to me and that is real true and sober life.For the last 15 years I was just hanging on and surviving.It was living hell and most of it was on the streets and from there to jail.I think this sounds very familiar to my drug addict friends.I was realy into everything from Kat,Tik,Coke to heroin and codein.It was so bad because I have injected some of these drugs into my veins.I ended up in hospital a couple of times and suffered cardiac arrest once.Luckily I was helped and saved for my loved ones.Thank you so much for this amazing treatment. It really saved and chanced my life.I wish that everybody comes to know of this wonderful cure.What a waist of good time and money are rehabs.Pretty bad agenda that these people have.I can only hope they come to their senses quickly.Keep up the good work and if you want to use me as a referal please give them my name and number. God bless


Dear Dr KirsteN As drug addict I have travelled the world for help.Over 20 years I could not find help anywhere in the world.After tremendous suffering and loss of my family and friends my life came to a standstill when I lost my dearest friend through drug overdose.I tried to commit suicide but was not successfull.My body was poisoned by huge dosages of khat, tik rocks,crack-cocaine and heroin.I could not take it any more.I had to find help fast and quickly.No rehab in the country could ever help me or any of my friends also addicted to khat ,crack-cocaine and heroin .Trough a miracle we got to know about Dr Gerhard.He treated me and my friend .The results were pretty amazing.We are still clean and dry and looking forward for our next appointment 3 months time. Thank you so much


I must share this with you.Since my school days we have been experimenting witn dagga,khat,cocaine and tick.Sometimes we were brave and used heroin as well.This became a lifestile for the past 12 years.We all wanted to quit but there was no way out.I went to 15 different rehabs wkich cost thousand of rands.My life was miserable.Then I came upon Dr Gerhard website and started with treatment .I now completely recovered from all my addiction thanks to Dr Gerhard and the best regime. I wish everybody to have this treatment because this really works.Trust me there is nothing else because I have tried them all.Thanks again Dr Gerhard you have been our last resort.


I did not believe that anyone or anything could save my life from Heroin addiction.I was spiking 10 bags a day into my veins and was never aware of what was really going on in real life.This trend was going on for 15 years.The grave was waiting for me and it was to be soon that I will die because my body and mind could not take it any more.Then came you Dr Gerhard with the best therapy and turned it all around.This was really a miracle and I cannot thank you enough for giving me back my life,This worked instantly for me without side-effects or any severe withdrawal symptoms.May you help many more desperate people.


Going to rehab as an alcoholic was an experience that caused me not to get healed but also addicted to drugs.This took all prescious things from me including my husband and children.I was all alone out on the streets and killing time by taking dose after dose of all kind of drugs. I was longing to die to get out of this miserable world.Then came Dr Gerhard with the best treatment and changed everything.I am myself again and back in my family.My life has never been better.I enjoy every moment of it.This really works and is a miracle.Please do not hesitate.Give yourself a chance and get your life back.

Pieter Labuschagne

Ek het nog nooit die vooreg gehad, om vir enige persoon dankie te se dat hy my lewe gered het nie. Ek sit venaand met die feitlik onmoontlike taak. Ek is dood seker jou pad hemel toe is geteer. Dr Kirsten baie dankie vir my lewe, en al die ongelooflike goeie en spesiale tye wat voorle!!! Ek het ongelukkig nog baie moeilikheid met 'n bedrog saak en dronk bestuur. Ek hoop vir die beste! Maar dit maak nie saak wat gebeur nie. EK LEWE, EN DIT GAAN SOMER BAIE GOED. Ek spoel die bloed van Jesus oor jou! Hou aan om mense soos ek uit die hel te ruk! BAIE DANKIE. Dankie


> Dit is nou al net onder vier maande sedert ek my implanting gekry het > en ek wil net graag vir jou en Dr Kirsten baie baie dankie se vir > julle hulp. > Dankie dat jy my vrae so deeglik beantwoord het en my so veilig laat > voel het toe ek bang en onseker was en dit gelyk het asof daar werklik > nie 'n uitweg is nie. > > Vandag is ek weer myself, en het ek 'n tweede kans na ek in die kloue > van heroine beland het. Ek is nie 100% waar ek wil wees nie en ek > besef die harde werk le nou eers voor; maar ten minste kan ek helder > dink en hoef ek nie 'n naald in my arm te druk om uit die bed uit te > kan klim nie. Ek word wakker en dink aan die dag wat voorle, net soos > Dokter verseker het en ek kan sien hoe daardie donker wolk van heroine > verdwyn het en ek dank die Here daarvoor. > > Die werk wat julle doen red soveel lewens daar buite en ek sal ELKE > liewe dag dankbaar wees dat ek die besluit geneem het, en 'n pa gehad > het wat bereid was om my te ondersteun; dat ek van die behandeling> gehoor het en daarvoor gegaan het. > > As daar enige iets is wat ek kan doen, of as ek 'n getuigskrif kan > skryf- julle my nommer aan enige iemand wil gee, laat weet my > asseblief. Ek hoop en bid dat die Here die jeug sal verlos van dwelms > en dat meer mense dieselfde kans kan kry as wat ek gekry het. Ek het > al 'n hele paar mense na julle verwys en sal aanhou om so te maak. > > Baie dankie.

Jana le Grange

You were and are my life’s saviour. It would seem that all of the time I was suffering from bipolar depression. I got the implant from you and along with the prescription you provided me with (Epitec & Convulec etc) it proved that I no longer needed alcohol and that my life was on course. Dr Colin (to whom you referred me for a second opinion) tried to convince me that I was an alcoholic and that nothing else was wrong. He was wrong. Why then am I writing this letter? I try to handle everything like; My daughter that has fallen pregnant, my father and brother that are currently leaning on me for support with their divorces, my mother in law who’s deathbed I needed to sit next to and my husband in Russia etc. Dr. I have the greatest respect for you, mainly because you have helped me in my journey to where I am today. Thank you for your support


To all the parents out there (actually to everybody where alcohol has become the ruler of their home) I know that I am the happiest woman in the world! My husband was an alcoholic and along with that came all the other drama like emotional and physical abuse on a daily basis – It became so unbearable that on one night I took my daughter to my brother in law. She was not to come home unless my husband rehabilitated. I went to child welfare and with their help made the arrangement permanent. We had an appointment with Dr Kirsten the following day for him to implant the implant, which of course is the only of its kind (the only implant which cannot be scratched out as the other implants can) We did the 3-monthly treatment for one full year. No Alcohol passed his lips as from day one. He cannot stand the stench of alcohol any longer, not in a nightclub, bottle store or especially on a person’s breath. The cost is not even an eighth of what he used to spend on alcohol. Our beautiful daughter came home a day after the first treatment and now 3-years later alcohol is still no option in our home. The treatment improved our lives and in my husband’s case it will until the day we die. Thank you Dr Kirsten you have saved our marriage and family. You are an absolute treasure to our community.

WD du Plessis

Relieved, that’s how I finished 3 to 4 bottles of alcohol every day and every night, hoping to feel better. I realized how wrong this was and made an appointment with Dr Kirsten for an implant. We discussed the implant and how it would aid with my “downers”. I immediately made an appointment and after 3-days my hunger for my “old friend” had dissipated, but my “downer” still lingered. I went with my sister in law for her to receive her implant (she suffers from severe depression) and she felt relieved after only 4-days. I struggled forth for 6-weeks until my miracle came. I FELT LIKE A NEW PERSON WHICH I DO NOT KNOW, EVERYONE AROUND ME IS TALKING ABOUT IT. Today is the 13th of November and I am going for my second implant. Sometimes I feel so good that I find myself calling someone to tell them how great I feel!! • For that which I received • Nothing is too big • Energized and full of life • Work is a pleasure • My relationships have improved 100% • I sleep well • Life with all its misfortune is a joy To those whom are reading this wake up!! A person destroys oneself and always finds a good reason for it, STOP!! First save yourself, your relationships will soon follow. See Dr Kirsten as soon as possible and believe in your creator, who wants better for you… There is help out there..

JP Smith

My name is JP and I was a victim of the drug “CAT” It ruined my life, and destroyed me from the inside out. I got caught and sent to Dr Kirsten, who gave me an implant. I believed it to be a joke and didn’t feel that it would work, BUT after only a week I felt better and returned to my old self. Thank you Doctor, you saved my life.

To whom it may concern

Hi, I am now 22 and started using drugs when I was only 16. It started as a once off with friends. I only did it at parties, but found myself feeling the need to buy my own and so I started to. At first it was only over weekends. Soon I found myself doing 3 bags a weekend by the time I turned 17. I fell pregnant and didn’t use until my child was born, I then started all over again. This time every 3rd day for 6 months on end. I fell pregnant again and again did not use. My son was born when I was 19 years old and I started using every day, soon thereafter I found myself in a rehabilitation centre for 6-weeks. When I came out I started using even more (2-3grams per day) and I weighed only 43kg’s. My life was falling apart when I saw the ad for the implant in the Huisgenoot. I found help and my life changed after I had the implant, I don’t even smoke anymore. A person might think drugs are a way of life and that you need it, but it’s not! STOP! The implant saved my life! Thank you very much.

Mari Westermann

Dr Kirsten, Since I have received my first implant I have felt like a new person. Before the implant I suffered from depression, a bad temper and everything was too much for me and it felt like I was carrying the world on my shoulders. After the implant I felt my lust for life returning, my attitude changed and I became calmer. My depression subsided not as before the implant where I couldn’t cry and always made everything worse than it was. I now have a more positive outlook on life, my negativity about life changed in an instant and I take everything in my stride. I will recommend this implant 100% for depression and I would like to thank Doctor for the fact that I am living a fruitful life. Greetings

Chantelle Coetzer

The implant made me feel better about myself. I felt I did not need alcohol to feel better about myself. I also did not crave alcohol. It gives you courage and a lust for life.

Thabo Ratsoma

My name is Thabo Ratsoma, I live in Mamelodi East. I was addicted to nyaupe for 7-months. I lost everything: my car, clothes, and electric appliances. Nobody trusted me anymore and I had no hope left for my life and the future. It all changed after I received the implant. I feel like a new person and received a second chance. Within 3-days my skin became normal again. I am thinking positive and I don’t think about drugs anymore. I am so very thankful to the doctor and sisters that helped me


I Patrick Hendrik Jacobs am so glad that I found the product Naltrexone. The product really changed my life. I was addicted to heroin for 5 years. It got such a hold on me that I couldn’t get away. I used to be a very strong person and had strong will power, but heroin just took me and I couldn’t see a way out. I have tried to quit many times without success until I heard of Naltrexone and it is wonderful. I’m living life again with the knowledge that there is a way out! It helped me take that first step and I saw the light again.

Esmerelda Willemse

I thought I was stuck on a path that I never wanted to be on, because withdrawal can bring one’s life to a halt. The implant gave me my life back and made it easier to carry on as a normal person, it might sound silly to some people whom are lucky enough never to have crossed paths with heroin, BUT I promise this is true, you don’t know what you have till it’s gone. I threw away 7 years of my life, but thank God for the implant because I now have the rest of my life to make things right and enjoy my life. (* implant= naltrexone)

JM Venter

I am very grateful to Dr Kirsten who has meant so much to me and has helped me through deep waters. After just one treatment I felt like a new person in my body and soul. Everyone out there should know that they can also be saved by the grace of God and the good treatment from Dr Kirsten. I am looking forward and making the best of my life.

Albert Coetzee

I was addicted to heroin for 15 years. I have tried everything even Noupoort, thousands of rands spent on rehabs. This treatment I have received is definitely working and I would like to keep receiving the treatment. I have got my life back. I work for what I need. I am functioning normally. I am seeing my child again and we share a wonderful relationship. I guarantee this treatment works.

D. Marais (Pikkie)

My life was a mess for 7 years. In July 2012 I was admitted to rehab for alcoholism. I almost lost my family, I have lost my business, my car, my self-worth and my friends. I was nothing. December 2012 whilst on holiday I started drinking, I just tasted a bit of Smirnoff and I was hooked again. September 11th 2013 I went for my first implant. My life has changed and I have had to fight what was wrong every day physically and mentally. I have stopped smoking and drinking. For the first time in 4 years I have done mountain bike races I have felt sober and strong. I have completed the Momentum 94.7 cycling challenge on the 17th of November 2013. I have got so much energy and lust for life. I have my life back. People talk about me in the mountain biking clubs (pikkels die yster) Thank you everyone, the implant, good faith, friends and my mom I have changed my life and I’m enjoying it. Next year I am doing the Namib quest on my mountain bike if I can save enough money. The implant gave me enormous power, I am doing everything I have ever wanted to Cheers all

Lungile Bembi Patricia Masongo

Firstly I would like to thank God for intervening in my life, for taking charge again, for His word says he will never leave me nor forsake me. For my family that stood by me through thick and thin and for the support that they have given me and still give me up to date. Secondly, I would like to thank Dr Kirsten for helping me and rescuing my life. To be able to live life on life’s terms and to feel healthy and whole once again this treatment itself has done wonders. My state of mind and behaviour has changed for the better. I feel GREAT physically, mentally and emotionally. Through the all the tests I have been through and all the challenges I face on a daily basis, I know now that I need not worry, because all that was said will one day become my testimony. God grants me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Sifiso Paul Nkosi

I would like to thank the Lord Almighty for giving me a second chance. Secondly, I would like to thank my loving mother for not giving up on me. Thirdly, Dr Kirtsen for the life line he has given me. I was nothing, useless, empty, untrustworthy, unfaithful, a liar, a cheat and a thief. BUT, here I am 6-months down the line, I am free, back to reality and most of all found God, I can now differentiate between wrong and right and live my life to tell another tale and be a living testimony to others, to set an example for others. I am so happy, glad and relieved. Thanks again for this wonderful gift from God Dr Kirsten


I am a white middle aged male residing in South-Africa. I started smoking strictly at the age of 18 and have since smoked up to 2 packets of cigarettes (20’s) a day. I have attempted on numerous occasions to quit smoking, but my hopes were short lived as I always re-established my old habit. In October 2013 I requested assistance from Dr Kirsten, he proposed that I accept the anti-smoking implant to which I agreed. My craving for smoking systematically decreased to an extent where I completely stopped smoking after 2-weeks. I have now been smoke free for 3-months. If it was not for the assistance of Dr Kirsten and the implant I would not have been able to quit the habit. I hereby, wholeheartedly recommend this treatment to anyone who is serious about their health I Gloria Maddison, have suffered from alcohol abuse and depression for plus minus 15-years. I have attempted suicide resulting in months in frail care and months of hospitalization due to my injuries. Since being treated with Naltrexone, I have been in excellent health, no depression, no alcohol craving and no need for treatment for a Psychiatrist (medication costing a fortune and had very bad side effects) Sweating, weight gain, coming out in hives (itching). Naltrexone has saved my life and that of my family


The injection is very good. Taking it for the 3rd time now, helping you to just enjoy your life without alcohol.


My name is Ephrahim, I was addicted to heroin for plus minus 10 years. I lost many aspects of my life: my job, respect of my family and good friends (including their trust), my self- respect, material things, but most of all my sanity. I tried on many occasions to stop (that’s what I really wanted) but, I couldn’t control my cravings. I did anything and everything to get my next fix, feeling ashamed and guilt ridden once I have used. People tried helping me by sending me to rehab, I was in and out but my sobriety outside of rehab lasted at most 2-weeks, leaving my family disappointed and eventually they gave up on me and let me be. I felt alone, unwanted and afraid that the obsessive compulsion to use will never leave me. I also attended NA meeting which made me realize there were others just like me with the same struggle. I attended regularly and my relapses reduced to 3 to 4 weeks. When I then relapsed I felt even worse for letting myself down and the few people that supported me in NA. I just felt like a lost cause. Until last year June, a good friend read the article in the YOU magazine about Dr Kirsten and the Naltrexone implant and we both had renewed hope. Yes, we were sceptical, but I was desperate to try anything. Since then I have been receiving treatment by Dr Kirsten by Dr Kirsten (Naltrexone implant) with great success. I am happy, I have a job again after 5 years, my self-respect back and care of my family and good friends. I have almost come full circle and will continue for however long to hold on to my sanity. Thank you Dr Kirsten for being willing to help the helpless and manageable addicts without judgement.

Leketo Molopyane

Thanks for the implant that was done on me on the 4th of December, my confidence is back, I can now look at myself in the mirror and take care of myself. I used to steel to feed my habit, waking in the morning pains, stomach cramps, back ache is now history. Thanks Dr Kirsten may God bless you


My name is Bryan Ramorulana, I was smoking Nyaupe from 2007 until 2013 I have been going to a lot of rehabs each and every year, but now since this year I have had an implant by Dr Kirsten who helped me. It is not easy for me to relapse again because Nyaupe was destroying my life. So I want to thank Dr Kirsten a lot, because now me and my family we are happy So I thank you very Much

Zunaid Tagari

My name is Zunaid and because of curiosity and friends about 15 years ago, I became addicted to crack cocaine. It was the most depressing years of my life. I lost almost everything I had including my family’s respect and trust. I had even contemplated suicide. About a year ago I started treatment for my addiction with Dr Kirsten. I came to hear about this treatment through family friends. In the last year, I have only had one relapse and have started to gain all that I had lost including my family. I love life and intend to live it to the fullest addiction free. No rehab was able to give me my life back, I intend to follow through with the treatment with Dr Kirsten until I am able to be as strong as I was prior to this horrible addiction

Shawn de Villiers

Before Naltrexone I was lost in a very sad way. I have started losing everything I owned because of my heroin addiction. The implants changed my way of life, but they will not do all the work for you. You need to want to stop and the Naltrexone just gives you the tools you need to do it. It kept me clean for 1 year and 4 months and then I relapsed. A lot of aftercare is needed after the implant finish. I need to see if there is an anti-dep that will work other than my current medication. After the last implant, about 4-months afterwards, I started experiencing depression and cravings. This led me to relapse a few months later. This is why a lot of aftercare is needed. The implants gave me the ability to stop and stay clean the rest is up to you.

Dean Diss

I agree that the implant is a miracle and people who use drugs have benefitted by going for the implant. It is difficult for the people to afford the implant as it is very expensive. It has changed my life although it was a very difficult journey. Thank you

Arista Hannaway

Naltrexone has changed my life I used to be an everyday user, but with the help of Dr Kirsten and Naltrexone I have been clean for 4-months and going strong. Without Dr Kirsten I probably would have been dead. Thanks so much

Mathew John Dunsmuir

I was addicted to amphetamines for 6 years and was unable to stop, I tried rehab for 10-months but always relapsed. Since I have had Naltrexone in January 2013 I have been clean until now which is 14 December 2013. All cravings have ceased and I was even able to stop drinking and smoking


My name is Christopher van Wyk, I was an alcoholic and addicted to drugs. I was not particular about the type of drug as long as I could get high, even sex would do. I almost died on a number of occasions and was heading for certain death. Three months ago I got Naltrexone implants and within 2 days I lost all cravings. I even stopped smoking with no withdrawal symptoms. I started performing better at work and recently got promoted to a senior management position even though I can’t spell (joke ha-ha) Naltrexone changed my life, but it is expensive and I really cannot see people in dire need of this treatment being able to afford it as people with substance abuse problems rarely have this type of money. Naltrexone in my opinion has the capability of changing the world

Martin Louw

I am now 38 years old and have struggled with addiction since the age of 16. Through the years I have struggled to overcome my addiction without any success. I had actually given up all hope of over coming my problems with drug addiction and was ready to throw in the towel in life. I learned about Naltrexone and had my first implant in October 2012 the change in my life has been remarkable. I finally had a tool that helped me fight my addiction. The cravings have disappeared and I am able to work on my life and not getting the next fix. Naltrexone has been a blessing without it I probably Have been dead by now

Thokozani Thukulu

I firstly would firstly like to thank God for the second chance in life, I also would like to thank my family for not giving up on me despite all the pain and suffering I have caused them. I am a better person now. For 3-months now I have not experienced cravings and it is all thanks to Dr Kirsten for his wonderful medication. I will spread the word to all my friends who are still hooked. I am a living testimony that in life there is a second chance. I no longer lie, cheat or steal and I am always happy, which is something I haven’t felt in a long time. Next year I am continuing with, my studies so I can be independent one day and make something of myself. Above all, to help others in need just like I have been helped. Thanks a lot Dr Kirsten and may God continue blessing you and your staff. If it wasn’t for you I don’t know where I would be today

Eugene du Plessis

I have lost everything, because of Heroin and landed up on the street with no self-respect not caring for anyone or anything. I have been arrested numerous times for heroin possession. When we heard of Dr Kirsten I got a second chance. I got the implant and now I am back on track it really worked, I tried rehabs and nothing else worked. I am starting to work again in January and everything is going very well. Now I got my son back in my life and looking forward. Thank you Dr Kirsten God Bless

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